The income tax payable if tax settings are changed.

model_income_tax(sample_file, baseline_fy, n_dependants = 0L,
  elasticity_of_taxable_income = NULL, ordinary_tax_thresholds = NULL,
  ordinary_tax_rates = NULL, medicare_levy_taper = NULL,
  medicare_levy_rate = NULL, medicare_levy_lower_threshold = NULL,
  medicare_levy_upper_threshold = NULL,
  medicare_levy_lower_sapto_threshold = NULL,
  medicare_levy_upper_sapto_threshold = NULL,
  medicare_levy_lower_family_threshold = NULL,
  medicare_levy_upper_family_threshold = NULL,
  medicare_levy_lower_family_sapto_threshold = NULL,
  medicare_levy_upper_family_sapto_threshold = NULL,
  medicare_levy_lower_up_for_each_child = NULL, lito_max_offset = NULL,
  lito_taper = NULL, lito_min_bracket = NULL, lito_multi = NULL,
  Budget2018_lamington = FALSE, Budget2019_lamington = FALSE,
  Budget2018_lito_202223 = FALSE, Budget2018_watr = FALSE,
  Budget2019_watr = FALSE, sapto_eligible = NULL,
  sapto_max_offset = NULL, sapto_lower_threshold = NULL,
  sapto_taper = NULL, sapto_max_offset_married = NULL,
  sapto_lower_threshold_married = NULL, sapto_taper_married = NULL,
  sbto_discount = NULL, cgt_discount_rate = NULL,
  calc_baseline_tax = TRUE, return. = c("sample_file", "tax",
  ""), clear_tax_cols = TRUE,
  warn_upper_thresholds = TRUE, .debug = FALSE)



A sample file having at least as many variables as the 2012-13 sample file.


If a parameter is not selected, the parameter's value in this tax year is used.

Must be a valid tax year and one for which income_tax has been programmed.


The number of dependants for each entry in sample_file.


Either NULL (the default), or a numeric vector the same length of sample_file (or length-1) providing the elasticity of taxable income for each observation in sample_file; $$\frac{\Delta z / z}{\Delta \tau / (1 - \tau)}$$ where \(z\) is taxable income and \(\tau\) is tax payable.

For example, if, for a given taxpayer, the tax settings would otherwise result in a 2% decrease of disposable income under the tax settings to be modelled, and elasticity_of_taxable_income is set to 0.1, the Taxable_Income is reduced by 0.2% before the tax rates are applied.

If NULL, an elasticity of 0 is used.


A numeric vector specifying the lower bounds of the brackets for "ordinary tax" as defined by the Regulations. The first element should be zero if there is a tax-free threshold.


The marginal rates of ordinary tax. The first element should be zero if there is a tax-free threshold. Since the temporary budget repair levy was imposed on a discrete tax bracket when it applied, it is not included in this function.


The taper that applies between the _lower and _upper thresholds.


The ordinary rate of the Medicare levy for taxable incomes above medicare_levy_upper_threshold.


Minimum taxable income at which the Medicare levy will be applied.


Minimum taxable income at which the Medicare levy will be applied at the full Medicare levy rate (2% in 2015-16). Between this threshold and the medicare_levy_lower_threshold, a tapered rate applies, starting from zero and climbing to medicare_levy_rate.

medicare_levy_lower_sapto_threshold, medicare_levy_upper_sapto_threshold

The equivalent values for SAPTO-eligible individuals (not families).

medicare_levy_lower_family_threshold, medicare_levy_upper_family_threshold

The equivalent values for families.

medicare_levy_lower_family_sapto_threshold, medicare_levy_upper_family_sapto_threshold

The equivalent values for SAPTO-eligible individuals in a family.


The amount to add to the _family_thresholds for each dependant child.


The maximum offset available for low incomes.


The taper to apply beyond lito_min_bracket.


The taxable income at which the value of the offset starts to reduce (from lito_max_offset).


A list of two components, named x and y, giving the value of a replacement for lito at specified points, which will be linked by a piecewise linear curve between the points specified. For example, to mimic LITO in 2015-16 (when the offset was \$445 for incomes below \$37,000, and afterwards tapered off to \$66,667), one would use lito_multi = list(x = c(-Inf, 37e3, 200e3/3, Inf), y = c(445, 445, 0, 0)). The reason the argument ends with multi is that it is intended to extend the original parameters of LITO so that multiple kinks (including ones of positive and negative gradients) can be modelled.


logical; default is `FALSE`. If set to `TRUE`, calculates the amount that taxpayers would be entitled to under the Low and Middle Income Tax Offset as contained in the 2018 Budget.


logical; default is `FALSE`. If set to `TRUE`, calculates the amount that taxpayers would be entitled to under the Low and Middle Income Tax Offset as amended by the 2019 Budget.


The LITO proposed for 2022-23 proposed in the 2018 Budget.


logical; default is `FALSE`. If set to `TRUE`, calculates the "Working Australian Tax Refund" as proposed in the Labor Opposition Leader's Budget Reply Speech 2018.


logical; default is `FALSE`. If set to `TRUE`, calculates the "Working Australian Tax Refund" as revised in the Labor Opposition Leader's Budget Reply Speech 2019.


Whether or not each taxpayer in sample_file is eligible for SAPTO. If NULL, the default, then eligibility is determined by age_range in sample_file; i.e., if age_range <= 1 then the taxpayer is assumed to be eligible for SAPTO.


The maximum offset available through SAPTO.


The threshold at which SAPTO begins to reduce (from sapto_max_offset).


The taper rate beyond sapto_lower_threshold.

sapto_max_offset_married, sapto_lower_threshold_married, sapto_taper_married

As above, but applied to members of a couple


The tax_discount in small_business_tax_offset.


(numeric(1)) The capital gains tax discount rate, currently 50%.


(logical, default: TRUE) Should the income tax in baseline_fy be included as a column in the result?


What should the function return? One of tax, sample_file, or If tax, the tax payable under the settings; if sample_file, the sample_file, but with variables tax and possibly new_taxable_income; if, same as sample_file but new_tax is coerced to integer.


If TRUE, the default, then return. = sample_file implies any columns called new_tax or baseline_tax in sample_file are dropped silently.


If TRUE, the default, then any inconsistency between baseline_fy and the upper thresholds result in a warning. Set to FALSE, if the lower_thresholds may take priority.


Return a data.table of new_tax. Experimental so cannot be relied in future versions.


library(data.table) library(hutils) # With new tax-free threshold of $20,000: if (requireNamespace("taxstats", quietly = TRUE)) { library(taxstats) library(magrittr) model_income_tax(sample_file_1314, "2013-14", ordinary_tax_thresholds = c(0, 20e3, 37e3, 80e3, 180e3)) %>% select_grep("tax", "Taxable_Income") }
#> #> Attaching package: 'magrittr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:testthat': #> #> equals, is_less_than, not
#> Untaxed_othr_pnsn_amt Cost_tax_affairs_amt Spouse_adjusted_taxable_inc #> 1: 0 0 0 #> 2: 0 336 0 #> 3: 0 0 0 #> 4: 0 138 19914 #> 5: 0 61 0 #> --- #> 258770: 0 383 178171 #> 258771: 0 0 144777 #> 258772: 0 241 24200 #> 258773: 0 0 0 #> 258774: 0 0 0 #> Taxable_Income baseline_tax new_tax #> 1: 4800 0 0.000 #> 2: 126122 36503 36161.970 #> 3: 39742 4655 4313.410 #> 4: 108123 29574 29232.355 #> 5: 85957 21040 20698.445 #> --- #> 258770: 24462 1111 769.710 #> 258771: 37055 3701 3359.525 #> 258772: 45024 6530 6188.520 #> 258773: 5134 0 0.000 #> 258774: 46368 7007 6665.640