Select columns satisfying a condition

select_which(DT, Which, .and.dots = NULL, checkDT = TRUE)



A data.table.


A function that takes a vector and returns TRUE or FALSE. TRUE columns are selected.


Optional extra columns to include. May be a character vector of names(DT) or numeric (positions) or logical. If provided, the columns so added (if they do not satisfy Which) will be after all the columns Which do so satisfy.


If TRUE (the default), an informative error message is provided if DT is not a data.table.


DT with the selected variables.


library(data.table) DT <- data.table(x = 1:5, y = letters[1:5], AB = c(NA, TRUE, FALSE))
#> Warning: Item 3 is of size 3 but maximum size is 5 (recycled leaving remainder of 2 items)
select_which(DT, anyNA, .and.dots = "y")
#> AB y #> 1: NA a #> 2: TRUE b #> 3: FALSE c #> 4: NA d #> 5: TRUE e